Thursday, 19 September 2013

The internet as a resource tool

Today’s busy, full packet curriculum leaves little time for children to do appropriate research regarding their projects and homework. There is not even enough time for the children that fall behind in class to catch up with their peers. The OBE curriculum is structured in such a way that a child in primary school has so many subjects and therefore a ton of homework. With the countries economical status it is evident that both parents need to work to generate income for their household. This leads to many children coming to school the following day without completing his/her homework because of lack of time and assignments being crammed in. Thankfully as time passes technology expands. The Internet has become a necessity in many lives young and old. It is information and communication at one`s finger tips. Generation Z (children who are born from the year 2000 onwards up until today) uses it for gathering information for their projects, downloading games and things to watch. Whereas adults, 18 years and older use the Internet for communication purposes and getting information quickly. The Internet assists us with endless amount of resources and children need to be able to access it. Whether it is at home or at school. Educator cannot deny this resourceful tool.
See the link below that speaks about how technology impacts a child`s writing skills for the better. There are so many websites that an educator can use to teach his/her pupils how to use the Internet as well as their mobile phones safely. See link below. It is the educators` responsibility to teach children how technology work and what benefit it holds for them.
Even though 60% Internet traffic of the African continent originates in South Africa there are only 11% of the populations of South Africa that have Internet access. This has to be taken into consideration when you as educator give the assignment`s instructions.

                            Percentage of Internet users increasing over the years.

Internet impacting a child`s writing


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